Our bees produce a top quality honey, they forage on a huge variety of flowers throughout the spring and summer ranging from farm fields, wild meadows and cultivated gardens as well as serving fruit farmers in pollination.

Our honey is straight from the hive just the way the bees like it. The honey is cold extracted and coarse filtered, it is not pasteurised. We do not ever blend our honeys and therefore you will see colour variation and taste variations in each jar you buy. That is why our honey is loved by so many. 

The amount of effort the bees put in to make honey is amazing and it is a process that although carried out by bees is very precise. Bees will visit approximately 2 million different flowers to make 1 single jar of honey!

If you are looking to buy our honey in bulk or would like to stock our honey in your shop then please contact us here.


Ivy Honey 340G

Ivy honey has a most unique distinct strong flavoured Autumnal honey.  It is a rare harvest as it is one of the last flowers of the season with a shor...
View product £6.50

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Honey 1.5kg

Do you use a lot of honey? We now offer our honey in a 1.5kg pail. Our runny honey is multi floral as we have bees foraging on a variety of wild and f...
View product £25.95

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