Frame of Heather Honey

Frame of Heather Honey

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A full frame of Ling Heather Honey directly from the beehive. Our beautiful Heather Honey is produced by the honeybees that we take to the New Forest each year to forage on the heather. 

Heather honey has a unique flavour and consistency unlike other honeys. It has a strong almost perfumy aroma and taste. This full frame will make a wonderful accompaniment to your cheeseboard and having a whole frame of heather honey is such a natural and beautiful way to eat honey. You certainly can't get more natural or raw than this as it this frame has simply been lifted out of the hive, the bees gently removed and comes presented in this lovely giftbox.

The weight can vary between 1.5kg and 2kg due to the product being naturally made by the bees.

The whole product can be eaten, the wax is soft and chewy and is packed full of goodness.  Heather honey is distinctive in flavour and aroma with a jelly like consistency and is considered quite the delicacy. This makes a wonderful center piece on the table.

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